
Mt.Rushmore Sample Pages 1

Take adolescent learners on an exploration of Mount Rushmore. This set of lessons builds secondary students’ background knowledge about this iconic national monument while teaching precise language to describe the location and analyze historical perspectives.

This self-contained package of support includes:

  • Seven lessons to develop concepts and build language skills
  • Google lesson slides to virtually guide students through multiple ways of thinking, talking, and writing about “visiting” Mount Rushmore
  • Language Log for students to draft writing and easily reference word banks, graphic organizers, and language patterns
  • Pre-recorded webinars to orient the teacher with tips to maximize distance learning – and differentiate by students’ proficiency level

Simple, yet detailed, one-page lessons and engaging slides develop an abundance of vocabulary and language patterns, and various ways for students to talk about their virtual exploration of Mount Rushmore.

L1 Lesson – Mount Rushmore Objective

This learning is appropriate for English learners and any other students who would benefit from academic language development.

Depending on how often teachers meet with students, the total instructional time will vary.

ACHV530e, $49.00 per teacher


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